Indoor Plant 室内植物
Outdoor Plant 戶外植物
Orchid 蘭花
Garden Accessory 園藝配件
Planter 花盆
About Us 關於我們
The apex of the outdoor experience, a garden is a rare delight in Hong Kong.
All you need are just some greenery plants to turn a boring outdoor space into a true retreat and sanctuary.
Lycianthes Rantonnetii (Blue Potato Bush) 藍花茄
Golden Ficus Microcarpa (Multiple Layers) 金葉榕(多層葉子)
Ficus Benghalensi 孟加拉榕
Big Croton Petra (w. Style) 造型大灑金
Ficus Altissima 高山榕
Multi-Stem Big Cactus (4-5 stems) 多柱大仙人掌(4-5柱)
Schefflera (w. Simple Style) 簡約造型鵝掌藤
Coconut Palm Tree 椰子樹
Rubber Plant (w. Style) 造型橡樹
Foxtail Fern (Two Sizes) 狐尾天冬
Big Yellow Green Dracaena Trifasciata (Snake Plant) 大黃綠色虎尾蘭
Big Dark Green Dracaena Trifasciata (Snake Plant) 大深綠色虎尾蘭
Big Leaf Croton Petra(Red) 大葉灑金(紅色)
Jacaranda Mimosifolia (Green Ebony) 藍花楹
Cordyline Fruticosa 'Miss Andrea' 巧克力朱蕉
Medium Dracaena Cochinchinensis 中型劍葉龍血樹
Medium Schefflera (For Floor) 中型鵝掌籐
Yucca Elephantipes 荷蘭鐵
Medium Rhapis Excelsa (Lady Palm) 中型棕竹
Big Philodendron Selloum 大春羽
Medium Philodendron Selloum 中型春羽
Ball Shape Karomia Speciosa 紫洋傘花(蝶心花)
Karomia Speciosa 紫洋傘花(蝶心花)
Ball Shape Pistacia Weinmannifolia 球形清香木
Duranta Erecta 'Lass' 蕾絲紫金露
Allamanda Blanchetii (Purple Allamanda) 紫蟬
Ball Shape Plumbago Auriculata 球形藍雪花
Ball Shape Star Jasmine 球形風車茉莉花
Ball Shape Pinwheel Flower (Crepe Jasmine) 球形水晶茉莉
Tecoma 'Orange Jubilee'(Orange Bells) 橙鍾花
Allamanda Cathartica 軟枝黃蟬
Mussaenda Hybrida 粉葉金花
Impatiens Balsamina 鳳仙花
Climbing Yellow Star Jasmine 爬藤黃色風車茉莉花
Cestrum nocturnum (Night-Blooming Jasmine) 夜來香
Small Chinese Cypress 小扁柏
Small Podocarpus Macrophyllus (Buddhist Pine) 小羅漢松
Frangipani (Pink/White Flower) 鷄蛋花樹(粉紅/白色花)
Small Frangipani (White Flower) 小鷄蛋花(白色花)
Michelia Champaca (Yellow Champak) - 黃玉蘭
Mandevilla Amabilis 飘香藤
Small Pistacia Weinmannifolia 小清香木
Pritchardia Gaudichaudii 夏威夷椰子
Climbing Plumbago Auriculata 藍雪花
Small Plumbago Auriculata 小藍雪花
Pink Clerodendrum Thomsonae (Bleeding Heart Vine) 紅花龍吐珠
Three Heads Dracaena Cochinchinensis 三頭劍葉龍血樹
Multi-head Dracaena Cochinchinensis 多頭劍葉龍血樹
Three-Stem Huge Pachira Aquatica (Money Tree) 三柱大發財樹
Rosa Multiflora 薔薇
Schefflera (w. Style) 造型鵝掌藤
Green Dracaena Reflexa 綠葉百合竹
Podranea Ricasoliana (Pink Trumpet Vine) 紫雲藤
Climbing Star Jasmine 爬藤風車茉莉花
Combretum Indicum (Rangoon Creeper) 使君子
Chinese Ixora 龍船花
Small Hibiscus 小棵大紅花
Catharanthus Roseus 長春花
Campsis Grandiflora (Chinese Trumpet Vine) 凌霄
Telosma Cordata 夜香花