Customer can choose below options for your delivery. Please prepare 2 - 3 hours buffer time for the delivery in case of any delay due to traffic jams.
1. Delivery to door services (no stairs/ have lift & free parking):
- We will arrange a delivery company to get all your plants delivered to your doorstep;
- Please refer to this link to get the quotes.
- Please note that this service's quote is applied to buildings with no stairs/ having lift with free parking areas. Additional charges will be incurred if any parking fees, and walk-up building based on 60-80HKD per level of stairs per Hong Kong delivery standards.
- This service is not available post 18PM HKT.
2. Self Pick-up services.
1. 送貨到門服務(無樓梯,有電梯,有免費泊車):
- 我們會安排運輸公司將你訂的植物直接送到你的門口;
- 請查看此處前往送貨上門的價目表。
- 請注意此服務只提供于無樓梯、有電梯和有免費泊車的地點。如有必要泊車,司機會就所需的泊車費用向顧客索取。另外,大廈如有樓梯,司機會另外收取搬抬上樓梯的費用。收費標準會根據60-80HKD 一層樓梯收取。請顧客和司機自行商議。
2. 自取服務