Please note:
The pictures above are for reference only. The real object should be considered as final.
- Fagraea Ceilanica is suitable for indoors and outdoors in direct sunlight.
- Full sun in spring, autumn and winter, half sun (semi shaded) in summer. If temperature drops below 5 degree in winter, the plant might get cold and take time to recover.
- Very hardy plant. Not easy to have flowers but the flowering period can last for 4 - 5 months.
- Flowers come with light fragrance.
請注意 -上面的圖片只供參考。請以最後收到的實物為准。
- 非洲茉莉適合在室内外有日照的環境種植。
- 春秋冬季節適合全日照,夏天半日照和適當遮蔭。冬天氣溫如果低過5度,植物有可能會被凍傷和需要時間復原。
- 植物容易打理和粗生,不容易開花但花期有4-5個月之長。
- 花朵有淡淡的香味。
Variegated Fagraea Ceilanica 花葉非洲茉莉
- The Fagraea Ceilanica has a 2.5-3 feets height to choose.
- Price can be chosen to be with original plastic pot, or included a big ceramic pot or cement pot.
- This product comes with a saucer if you choose the plant comes with a ceramic pot or cement pot. [ Please note that ceramic saucer comes in a set of the pot; if there is no ceramic saucer available, we will include a plastic saucer. ]
- 非洲茉莉有2.5-3尺可以選擇。
- 價格可選擇原來植物的塑膠盆,或者陶瓷花盆,或者水泥花盆。
- 如果你選擇陶瓷或者水泥花盆,此產品亦包括一個底碟. [注意:底碟會跟花盆配好一套裝;如果無一套裝的底碟,我們會爲你配好一個塑膠底碟.]