Please note:
The pictures above are for reference only. The real object should be considered as final.
- Direct sunlight required, perfect for outdoors full sun
- Long flowering period from May to September . Easy to maintain.
請注意 -上面的圖片只供參考。請以最後收到的實物為准。
- 需要直接陽光直射,適合室外種植全日照。
- 花期通常為5月到9月。容易照顧打理。
Campsis Grandiflora (Chinese Trumpet Vine) 凌霄
- Campsis Grandiflora has a height around 3 feets.
- Price included the original plastic pot (no saucer included).
- 凌霄有3尺的高度
- 價格已包含原來的塑料盆(不包括底碟)。