Indoor Plant 室内植物
Outdoor Plant 戶外植物
Orchid 蘭花
Garden Accessory 園藝配件
Planter 花盆
About Us 關於我們
No matter an indoor or outdoor urban garden you are creating,
We believe you can make something beautiful and functional there.
Thick Bamboo Stick 粗竹棍
Dried Moss 乾苔蘚
Chrysal Leafshine Aerosol 750ML Chrysal葉面光亮劑
Square Head Stainless Steel Trowel 方头不鏽鋼泥剷
Stainless Steel Soil Scoop 不鏽鋼土铲
Small Garden Rake 小園藝耙(三齒耙)
Plant Support Stick 植物支撐樁
Gardening Clip 園藝夾
Yellow Sticky Insect Trap 20pcs 黃色黏蟲紙20張
Akadama Soil 14L - 赤玉土14升
Iron Wire Cutter 鐵絲剪
Hemp Rope 麻繩
Organic Fertilizer (500g) - 有機肥 (500克)
Plant Spray 1.5L 專業植物噴壺
Zhang Xiao Quan(Since 1628) Gardening Scissors 張小泉園藝剪
Professional Plant Spray 5L, 8L & 16L 專業植物噴壺
Stainless Steel Double Hoe (Wooden Handle) 不鏽鋼雙鋤平叉(木手柄)
Carbondazim 多菌靈
Cotton Glove 棉紗手套
Japanese Pumice Stone 日本輕石(钵底石)
Non-Woven Plants Grow Bags 植物種植袋
Succulent Watering Bottle 多肉澆水瓶
High-Quality Planter with Rolling Wheels(Square) 高質量帶輪花盆底碟(方形)
High-Quality Planter with Rolling Wheels(Round) 高質量帶輪花盆底碟(圓形)
Watering Can 1.5L 淋水壺
Watering Can 3.5L 淋水壺
Stainless Steel Trowel 不鏽鋼泥剷
Taiwan Stainless Steel Double Hoe 02 台灣不鏽鋼雙鋤平叉
Stainless Steel Double Hoe 不鏽鋼雙鋤平叉
Professional Plant Spray 1.2L 專業植物噴壺
Planter with Rolling Wheels 帶輪花盆底碟
Big Mulch 25L- 大樹皮
Leaf Cutting Scissors 大葉剪
Plant Label 植物標籤牌
Garden Twist Tie 30 Meter - 園藝扭結30米
Watering Can 1.8L 淋水壺
Plant Shade Netting 遮陽網
Bamboo Stick 竹棍
Plant Circle Support 植物支撐環
Seedling Tray - 育苗格
Root Hormone Liquid - 生根水
Ceramist (Clay Ball) - 陶粒
3 in 1 Soil Detector - 3合1土壤檢測儀
Plant Repotting Mat 植物移植墊
Mulch - 樹皮
Professional Plant Spray 2L 專業植物噴壺
Miracle-Gro@ Gardening Glove - 美樂棵園藝手套
Branch Shear - 枝剪
High Quality Sphagnum Moss 水苔
Insect Repellent Spray - 600ML 植物殺蟲噴霧
Natural Insect Repellent (Chili Water) - 500ML 天然植物殺蟲水(辣椒水)
Flortis Leafshine Spray 750ML Flortis葉面光亮劑(比利時)