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Questions 1 - When can I expect the delivery after I have placed an order online?

Answer 1 -

It depends on your order plant if it is a common plant or an uncommon plant.

In most of the normal days - 

  • For common indoor plants, or the plants which are available in our farm at the moment, we could immediately prepare your order and get them delivered to your place on the next day at the earliest opportunity (assuming if you place the order before 3pm today).

  • For uncommon indoor plants, or most of the outdoor plants which our farm may not have the available stocks at the moment, you may expect the lead time to be around 2-4 days. We will usually group the customers' orders together and source for you within 2-4 days time range. Then we will be able to deliver to you on the next day after sourcing at the earliest opportunity. 

  • Above are the delivery timeline based on the earliest schedule we can send you the ordered items. However, if you have any preferred date in mind, please do inform us and we will tailor to your availability. 

  • We deliver everyday (Monday to Sunday) to our clients across Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories, as well as Tung Chung and Discovery Bay area. 

For some major public holidays, as well as Chinese New Year - 

  • Due to the holiday arrangement for our staffs on major public holidays, and we may postpone the delivery schedules by 1 - 2 days. Thank you for your kind understanding!

  • For Chinese New Year, we will be off for consecutive holidays for 2 weeks thus the order made during this period will be postponed for delivery until our staffs resume working. 

For severe weather condition such as typhoon, black rain as well as uncontrollable social factors - 

  • We may postpone the delivery by 1-2 days if there is an unexpected severe weather or social condition. We will discuss with customers directly on case by case basis. 

問題 1 - 我在網站上下單後,預計什麼時候可以收到貨?

回答 1 -


在大部分的日子 - 

  • 對於常見的室內植物,或是我們農場現有的植物,我們可以立即準備您的訂單,並儘早在第二天將它們送到你的地方(如果你今天下午3點之前下單) 。

  • 對於不常見的室內植物,或是我們農場目前沒有庫存的大部分室外植物,你可能預計等待時間約為 2-4 天。我們通常會將客戶的訂單集中在一起,並在 2-4 天內為你準備。之後,我們最早可以在植物準備後的第二天為你送貨。

  • 以上是基於我們可以向您發送訂購商品的最早時間。但是如果你有任何首選日期,請告知我們,我們將根據你的情況進行調整。

  • 我們每天(週一至週日)都會向在香港島、九龍、新界以及東湧和愉景灣地區的客戶送貨。

對於一些重大公眾假期以及農曆新年 -

  • 由於重大公共假期我們的員工需要放假安排,我們的出貨時間可能會延後1-2天。謝謝諒解。

  • 由於農曆新年,我們將連續放假兩週,因此這段期間的訂單將推遲發貨,直到我們的員工恢復工作為止。

針對颱風、黑雨等惡劣天氣以及不可控的社會因素 - 

  • 如遇突發惡劣天氣或社會狀況,我們可能會延後1-2天出貨。我們將根據具體情況直接與客戶討論。

Questions 2 - Can I change the delivery date / time if I have to run in something urgent?

Answer 2 -

Yes, of course you can. We don't charge anything fees if you can notify us at least 1 day earlier ( by 3pm).

For any late request, we couldn't change the delivery date and time given it is a last-minute request.

Your order is important to us, but the orders from other customers also matter, and we need to ensure the timely delivery of their orders. Thank you for your kind understanding!

Here is the arrangement for last-minute request on delivery matters.

    - $250HKD administration fee will be applied to the last-minute change for the delivery address.

     - Last-minute request for delivery date will not be re-arranged. We will be still sending the ordered items to the shipping address.  If no one receives the ordered items, we will place them at the door and take a photo to customers. ( If there are stairs in the building, and it requires driver to carry goods over stairs, we would either place the ordered items with building security, or at the door if customers agree to pay extra for the stairs carry-up fees). 

     - Last-minute request of delivery time range will not be re-arranged. Please kindly check your schedule beforehand to prevent any clashes. We might not be able to change the delivery time range on the delivery date as we also have other customers' orders to handle. Much appreciated for your kind understanding. In case you can't meet our delivery staffs, we will have the ordered items sent to your door. 

問題 2 - 如果我有突發緊急情況需要更改送貨日期/時間,可以進行更改嗎?

回答 2 -

是的,當然可以。如果您能至少提前1天 (下午 3 點前) 通知我們,我們將不收取任何費用進行更改。

對於任何遲到的更改要求,我們將無法更改交貨日期和時間。希望你能體諒! 您的訂單對我們很重要,但其他客戶的訂單也很重要,我們也需要確保他們訂單在當日能夠按時送貨。謝謝理解!


    - 在送貨日期當日要求更改送貨地址 - 我們將額外收取 250 港元行政費。

    - 在送貨日期當日要求更改交貨日期 - 我們將不會重新安排。我們仍會將客人訂購的商品寄送至要求地址。如果沒有人在家收貨,我們會將其貨物放在門口並拍照給顧客。 (如果大樓內有樓梯,需要司機將貨物搬上樓梯,我們會將訂購的物品放置在大樓保安處,或者客戶同意支付額外的樓梯搬運費,我們則將其貨物放置在客人門口)。

    - 在送貨日期當日要求更改送貨時間 - 我們將不會重新安排。請您提前核對好你的日程安排,以免發生行程衝突。由於我們還有其他客戶的訂單需要處理,因此我們可能無法更改送貨時間。感謝你的體諒。


Question 3 - I am sending plant gifts to my friend/family. How early should I order the plants?

Answer 3 -

You can have it ordered 4-5 days earlier if possible. Ultimately, it depends on what plants you order, and whether we have that plant available in stock. If we have the plant in stock, the earliest delivery opportunity will be on next day after your ordering with us. 

You can refer to Answer 1 to find out the relevant information.

問題 3 - 我打算送植物禮物給我的朋友/家人。我應該提早幾日訂購植物?

回答3 -

如果可能的話,你可以提前 4-5 天訂購。當然,這取決於你訂購植物的種類,以及我們當日是否有該植物的庫存。如果我們有庫存,可以安排的最早送貨時間將是你訂購後的第二天。


Question 4 - I am sending two plant gifts to my friend. Can I have a card with messages for each plant?

Answer 4 -

Yes, we can arrange that. 

Currently, we provide one card per order to customers for gifting purpose (free of charge).

However, for 1 order with more than 1 card, we will be charging extra $30HKD per card.  

問題 4 - 我要送兩份植物禮物給我的朋友。我可以有一張寫有每種植物資訊的卡片嗎?

答案 4 - 是的,我們可以安排。 目前,我們為每個訂單提供一張卡片給顧客作為禮物(免費)。 然而,對於 1 個訂單包含 1 張以上卡的情況,我們將每張卡額外收取 30 港元。

Question 5 - I have ordered a plant to my friend. But it turns out the plant is not a good fit in his/her place. Can I change the order? or can I exchange this plant with another plant?

Answer 5 -

Yes, we can update your order if you have confirmed the change 1 day earlier before delivery.

If you only confirm the change of the plant on or post the delivery date, apologies we can't change the order delivery anymore, and we will be sending ordered item based on your order. 

問題 5 - 我已向我的朋友訂購了一株植物。但後來才發現這種植物並不適合他/她的位置。我可以更改訂單嗎?或者我可以用另一種植物來交換這種植物嗎?


答案 5 - 是的,如果你在交貨前 1 天確認更改,我們可以更新您的訂單。 但如果你在送貨日期當日或者之後確認要更改植物,抱歉我們無法再更改訂單交貨,我們將根據您的訂單發送訂購的商品。


Phone:     +852 6752 4780

Whats App:   +852 6752 4780




Mon - Fri: 9am - 9pm
​​Saturday: 9am - 6pm
​Sunday: 9am - 6pm



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